In consideration of being allowed to participate in or attend the Taekwondo Tournament hosted by AAU Taekwondo and the tournament host, the undersigned acknowledges, understands, and agrees to the following terms and conditions:
1. Assumption of Risk
I understand that participation in martial arts activities, including but not limited to Taekwondo tournaments, involves inherent risks. These risks include, but are not limited to:
Physical injury (including bruises, sprains, fractures, or more serious injuries).
Accidents caused by other participants, equipment, or environmental factors.
Emotional or psychological stress.
I knowingly and voluntarily assume all risks, including those arising from negligence by AAU Taekwondo, the tournament host, its staff, volunteers, officials, coaches, or affiliates.
2. Release of Liability
I, on behalf of myself, my heirs, assigns, personal representatives, and next of kin, hereby release, discharge, and hold harmless:
AAU Taekwondo
The Tournament Host
All directors, staff, officials, volunteers, coaches, sponsors, vendors, and affiliates
from any and all claims, liabilities, demands, losses, or damages arising out of or in connection with my participation in the tournament. This release includes injuries, property damage, or loss, whether caused by negligence or otherwise, except in cases of gross negligence or intentional misconduct.
3. Medical Treatment
I authorize AAU Taekwondo, the tournament host, and their representatives to administer first aid and/or arrange for emergency medical care in the event of an injury or medical emergency. I assume full responsibility for any costs associated with medical care.
4. Compliance with Rules and Safety Guidelines
I agree to abide by all rules, regulations, and safety protocols established by the tournament organizers. I understand that failure to comply may result in my disqualification or removal from the event.
5. Indemnification
I agree to indemnify and hold harmless AAU Taekwondo, the tournament host, and all individuals associated with the tournament against any claims, actions, or proceedings resulting from my actions or behavior during the event.
6. Photography/Video Release
I grant permission to AAU Taekwondo and the tournament host to photograph, video record, or otherwise capture my participation and use such media for promotional, educational, or commercial purposes without compensation.
7. Payments Are Final
I understand and agree that all payments made for registration, participation, or any associated fees for the tournament are final and non-refundable under any circumstances, including but not limited to cancellation, disqualification, or failure to attend the event.
8. Acknowledgment of Understanding
I have read and fully understand this liability waiver and release of claims. I am aware that by signing this registration form, I am waiving legal rights, including the right to sue, and I agree to these terms knowingly and voluntarily.